Blackhawk Bloomers Invite You to Join Us!
If you live in Blackhawk, or belong to the Blackhawk Country Club, you are welcome to join and share in our love of flowers and all things gardening. We enjoy monthly meetings featuring luncheon programs at the Blackhawk Country Club, alternating with bus trips to area attractions. Member socials have made meeting new friends easier and also information in seeing what grows in fellow members’ gardens!
Bloomer Events Include:
Lectures by garden specialists
Tours Botanical Gardens
Socials hosted in members' homes
Floral Design workshops
June Garden Party and Garden Tours
Member Benefits
Garden Workshops and Seminars at Sloat Garden Center
Annual Membership Dues $50.
Contact Membership VP:
Maria Knutson, VP Membership
18 Live Oak Way. Danville, CA 94506
Membership Form:
Annual Dues are $ 50.00 payable by July 1st. The Fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Payment Options: Checks made out to "Blackhawk Bloomers,"
Venmo @Blackhawk-Boomers, or BHCC #'s accepted.
Photo for Directory
Please send a .jpg photo of yourself to